Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Response to Viji's Blog: Quote 1

Viji, I thought that the quote you chose really highlights the tone of the novel. It really represented the turning point in the novel. I think that you did a really good job on describing the events and actions surrounding this quote. It defined what this chapter was about and the transition in the boys. You explained what had happened and what caused the boys to lose control, but I think you could expand on how this affected the way things progressed. For example how had the experience changed Ralph or Robert on an emotional level?

        I agree that the events are a result of trauma and stress. You could see that even Ralph who was usually calm and in control, had become just as swept up in the moment as Jack or any other boy. However I think that you could elaborate on what kind of challenges they had faced that had caused them so much stress and trauma. You said that it was because "...the constant fear of a beast was getting to them..." but you could also explain the relationship between the boys. How Jack had become obsessed with hunting and Ralph disproved of this so they would constantly argue. This would further emphasize how strong the fear and stress was really affecting them considering even Ralph had given into the urges.  

        I thought the connections you made between this quote and the Hunger Games really showed that you really understood and thought about the meaning of this quote. Your opinions are logical and are supported by text from the book. Overall I think that the flow was really good and I absolutely enjoyed reading your response to the quote. 


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