Thursday, April 4, 2013


"A picture is worth a thousand words"

       When there is a visual, many details that that are usually overlooked can be seen. Readers also tend to be more attracted to media which have pictures and colours rather than something with a lot of text. Having a visual along with text can really help the reader understand the text and make connections between the picture and text. Text can sometimes be very rigid while a picture leaves room for the viewer to interpret the meaning themselves.


            Piggy's spectacles represent wisdom, and knowledge.The spectacles were used to start the first fire on the mountain. Then when Piggy suggested they bring the fire down to the beach, the spectacles were used once again. The fire is really important because it is their only hope of getting rescued and without fire, they can't cook the pig and they wouldn't have light and warmth in the dark. Without glasses, Piggy can't see either so when Jack stole their fire and the spectacles, he left Piggy handicapped and left Ralph and the others helpless too. They couldn't start a fire without the spectacles. The only way the camp would be able to survive was for Ralph to go to Jack and ask for them and this gave Jack something to hold over Ralph. It gave Jack even more leverage than before. This is part of the reason why Ralph eventually lost all his power.

      Jack had tried another time to forcefully take the spectacles from Piggy. The last time, Jack had shattered one of the lenses. This shows that without laws and people to enforce these laws, a society will not be able to prevail. In the end, brute force will triumph logic and knowledge.


This picture belongs to abc media. 

        This picture, is clearly a picture of the plane crash that resulted in the boys being stranded on this island. There was nothing any of the passengers on the plane could have done anything to prevent it. They were in the middle of the results and to the rest of the world, they were just simple casualties that contributed to a greater cause. They were not soldiers, simply innocent school boys, but they still had to suffer form decisions made by their superiors. In a sense, this plane was their death ship which carried them to an ultimate end. Everything the boys had to go through was because of the war. If there had been no war, the boys could have been all safely at home with parents tucking them into bed every night.

       It was also another way for Golding to deliver his message that there was evil in everyone. The boys had based their miniature society on the society they were raised in. As Piggy said, "We did everything just the way grownups would have Why didn't they worked. The answer is actually in their faces. The society run by grownups had resulted in a nuclear war, so by trying to copy everything the grownups did, they were ultimately setting themselves up for failure. It was never bound to work even if the circumstances had been better.

            The lord of the flies is what this whole novel was about. It was about the inner savageness and evil of men. The boys should have been afraid of the beast, and they were, for the most part of the novel. It was only when Jack set his mind to kill the beast, did the mood change. He was no longer afraid of the beast, he was only more eager to kill it than before. This change prompted a series of events, that eventually corrupted their society. For example, by trying to hunt the beast, they accidentally killed Robert

        I chose this picture because it represented the boys' decline to savagery. The sow on a stick was meant as a peace offering to the beast. It seemed as if the boys no longer wanted to kill the beast, and instead they were going to worship it. It also made the hunters think they were invincible of sorts and that the beast could not hurt them. They never once thought that by thinking that way, they were in fact, turning into the beast itself.

           The island was first seen as something pure. It represented the innocence in the boys. The beauty of this island had blinded the boys at first sight and they were all en captivated by it. It was the perfect place to have an adventure without parents, or so it seemed. When stories of the beast were introduced, the description of the island turned sinister as well. Only Simon was able to still enjoy the nature of the island. He was constantly roaming the island and visiting a place where he could relax and enjoy the serene nature. Then after he was killed, no one was level head enough to figure out that there was no beast. The island soon became more and more scarred. The forest fire destroyed half the island, and was described as "an animal unleashed by the boys eating and growing."

        The burning fire was an metaphor of the island turning into Hell. The burning of the forest could have symbolized the final loss of innocence in the boys. I think it was a vital part to the novel and really helped prove Golding's message. In the novel, this was the moment when the reader realized that  they could not be helped even if theses boys were to return to civilization.The evil had finally consumed them just like how the island had been consumed by fire.

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