Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Response to Leon's Blog: Picture 1

         Leon, you did a wonderful job of showing the meaning of the novel through this picture. I think it was a great choice as many symbols and themes in the novel that are hidden in the text are brought to light in this picture. What I liked about your picture choice was that this picture was abstract, but could still clearly show the main ideas and messages. I agree with your interpretation that the pair of eyes at the top of the picture has a connection with eyes of the boys. I can see how it shows the nature of savagery in the boys and their struggle as they tried to stay civilized.

         You made many well thought out connections to the author's message. However, you could also add in more connections to the actual events that you have drawn your conclusion from. For example, you mentioned that ''the beast towers above then all, symbolizing that the "beast" in human nature is lurks within all...." so you could give examples of what kind of 'evil' the boys have done. This could then tie in with the actual text and events in the novel. Overall, I think you did a really good analysis of the picture. All your ideas are clearly stated and are very well thought out. Great Job!


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