Tuesday, March 19, 2013

New Cover!

          This new cover of Golding's classic tail Lord of the Flies is published 59 years after the original release of this book. The conch on this cover is broken and the lord of the flies is disguised by the blazing flames behind it. The conch was a symbol of order, discipline and civilization on an island of boys none older than 12. The conch was once whole just as how the boys' civilization was once picture perfect in everyones minds. However as the internal struggle for power and fears begin to take over, the boys turn more and more savage. As the conch loses its meaning and the power it once held, the rules of this civilization also begins to crumble. The beast in this cover is cleverly hidden in the flames and at first glance, it is unrecognizable but the second time, it is clearly there. Once you see it, you will never be able to forget its presence Such as in the novel, the boys who believe in a "beast" roaming the island can never forget their fear but there is beast inside all of the boys that is growing and soon, it will consume them.

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